Want a single point of entry for daily housing and economic related news with an emphasis on the housing bubble that’s updated every 10 minutes?
I give you… The Bubble Times!
This page acts as a “filtered” news aggregator, filtering articles from over fifty news feed sources.
Currently, Articles get categorized into either “U.S. National”, “U.S. Metropolitan”, “International” or “Blog” sections and are further “ranked” by the number of “clicks” each receive.
Additionally, all posts from top housing bubble and economic Blogs are included, unfiltered, in the “Blogs” section providing a single space to browse the bubble blogesphere.
Over time, I'll be adding MANY more sources as well as better targeting the filters in order to present the most relevant news items.
Also, I’m hoping to improve the formatting to allow for the most pleasant reading experience.
As usual, let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Especially helpful would be suggestions for regional news sources, favorite Blogs, as well as preferred article formatting.