At 50.9 the purchasing manager’s composite index (PMI) declined a whopping 7.96% since June and slid 7.62% below the level seen a year earlier.
Some respondents indicated sluggish domestic sales, slowing trends and hesitation coming as a result of the debt ceiling debate:
"Market conditions — Europe weak, U.S. soft, Asia strong." (Computer & Electronic Products)
"Export sales very strong, while domestic sales are sluggish." (Paper Products)
"The looming debt ceiling has government agencies backing away from spending. Forecasting a slowdown in demand in the short term." (Transportation Equipment)
"Generally seeing a slowdown, which is typical this time of year. Hopeful that this is seasonal only." (Plastics & Rubber Products)
"Most industrial customers seem to be sustaining their business. Export orders continue to remain strong. Price pressures persist, especially with commodity materials." (Chemical Products)