We have all seen the numbers. All followed the daily stream of housing related reports and commentary. Many have even experienced first hand the effects of the ever declining housing market.
But has one of us… Just one ever wondered what a pirate might say in this situation.
I give you the pirate’s perspective (from CraigsList’s EastBayNotRay):
YE be hornswaggled of your doubloons soon enough Yarg!
Ye home market be scuttled says aye.
Ye blackspotted sprogs be left with nary a piece of eight.
Ye be needin ta' splice the mainbrace, as ye flounder marooned in ye poorhouse. Yarrr!
Ye ousing Head's be manning ye bilge pumps day an night, but ye soon be walking the plank and dancing with Jack Ketch!
Ye scallywags be three sheets to the wind, but ye soon find yerselves in Davey Jones' Locker! Arrgh!
I cant disagree with that… or at least I wouldn’t dare as he may nail my entrails to the mainsail…