Discretionary retail sales including home furnishings, home garden and building materials, consumer electronics and department store sales, on the other hand, experienced a significant decline falling 0.38% since January 2008 and 1.88% compared to February 2007.
Further, adjusted for inflation, discretionary retail sales declined 5.74% since February 2007.
The following charts show the initial analysis plotting the year-over-year change to an aggregate series consisting of the primary discretionary retail sales categories that I termed the “discretionary” retail sales series and the year-over-year change to the S&P/Case-Shiller Composite home price index since 1993 and since 2000.
One problem with this initial analysis is that both retail sales and the S&P/Case-Shiller Composite index are reported in “nominal” (i.e. non-inflation adjusted) terms and thus result in a somewhat skewed view especially for the retail sales data.
In fact, the year-over-year change to “nominal” discretionary retail sales has been positive for seven of the last eight months while the year-over-year change to “real” discretionary retail sales has been negative for twelve straight months (see the following chart).
Given the anecdotal accounts of homeowners drawing equity out of their homes with refi’s and HELOCs and using the proceeds to buy consumer goods, it could be interesting to attempt to “shift” the retail spending in time as the decline to home values would surely precede a pullback in consumer spending but for now I’ll leave it aligned and work on the shifting in a later post.
In past posts I attempted to build a 12 month moving Pearson’s correlation series in order to demonstrate the true correlation between the rate of change of both discretionary retail sales and home values but although the movements may be coincidental, they really share no actual binding correlation.
I may dust off the correlation chart in future posts but for now let’s just assume that both home values and discretionary retail sales are not doing very well, especially in “real” terms and the correlation is at least coincidental with the overall unhealthy state of the economy.