Friday, October 31, 2008
Commercial Cataclysm?: Moody’s/REAL Commercial Property Price Index August 2008

The Moody’s/REAL CPPI data series is produced by the MIT/CRE but is noted to be “complimentary” to their alternative transaction based index (TBI) as it is published monthly and is formulated from a completely different dataset supplied by Real Capital Analytics, Inc.
The latest results reflecting national data for all property types settled through August strongly suggest that prices for commercial real estate have eroded significantly.
Taken together, the MIT/CRE Commercial Property Index, S&P/GRA Commercial Real Estate Index and the Moody’s/REAL CPPI all appear to be firmly indicating that the nation’s commercial real estate markets are experiencing a significant decline.

Bernanke’s Nightmare: Commercial Paper October 30 2008

These interest rates are for short term (30 day) commercial paper that is typically issued by corporations to “raise needed cash for current transactions”.
A key in reading these rates is to recognize that the AA non-financial is more highly rated than A2/P2 non-financial and that, in general, the AA non-financial tends to track the Federal Reserve’s target rate while the others typically track slightly higher.
Normally, the spread between the weakest quality paper (A2/P2 non-financial) and the highest (AA non-financial) is 15-20 basis points but as of the latest Fed posting, the spread has expanded dramatically to 438 basis points… truly a worrying sign.
The first chart shows the spread between the A2/P2 and AA non-financial while the lower two charts show the how all the short term commercial paper rates have tracked since 1998 and mid-2007 respectively.
Notice that prior to mid-2007, the Federal Reserve had been able to keep these rates fairly tight and in-line with the target rate but now we are seeing significant trouble with the spread now standing at a 472 basis points.
In as sense, the current crisis has effectively erased all the rate cuts Bernanke has made this cycle and even added another 75 basis points.

Confidence Game: Consumer, CEO and Investor Confidence October 2008 (Final)

These three indicators should disclose a clear picture of the overall sense of confidence (or lack thereof) on the part of consumers, businesses and investors as the current recessionary period develops.
Today’s final release of the Reuters/University of Michigan Survey of Consumers for October showed a record plunge to consumer sentiment with a reading of 57.6 and dropping 28.8% below the level seen in October 2007.
The Index of Consumer Expectations (a component of the Index of Leading Economic Indicators) also declined notably to 57 remaining 18.69% below the result seen in October 2007.
As for the current circumstances, the Current Economic Conditions Index collapsed to its lowest level seen since at least 30 years to a record low of 58.4 or 40.16% below the result seen in October 2007.
As you can see from the chart below (click for larger), the consumer sentiment data is a pretty good indicator of recessions leaving the recent declines possibly predicting rough times ahead.

It’s important to note that the current value has fallen to a level that would be completely consistent with economic contraction suggesting the economy is either in recession or very near.

Given that that the confidence indices purport to “measure investor confidence on a quantitative basis by analyzing the actual buying and selling patterns of institutional investors”, it’s interesting to consider the performance surrounding the 2001 recession and reflect on the performance seen more recently.
During the dot-com unwinding it appears that institutional investor confidence was largely unaffected even as the major market indices eroded substantially (DJI -37.9%, S&P 500 -48.2%, Nasdaq -78%).
But today, in the face of the tremendous headwinds coming from the housing decline and the mortgage-credit debacle, it appears that institutional investors are less stalwart.
Since August 2007, investor confidence has declined significantly led primarily by a material drop-off in the confidence of investors in North America.
The chart below (click for larger version) shows the Global Investor Confidence aggregate index.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Question(s) of The Day - FDIC Freebie?

Why spend 50% of your take home income on the mortgage when, with the government’s help, you can spend just 30%?
Is implementing this type of policy the proper role of the FDIC?
GDP Report: Q3 2008 (Advance)

Looking at the report more closely though, the top-line GDP result would have been much weaker had it not been for a surprise and truly unusual 18.1% surge in national defense spending that, combined with a healthy increases in other federal, state and local government spending, added over 1% of growth.
Fixed investment and personal consumption, on the other hand, provided significant drags on growth with non-residential investment declining -1.0%, residential investment declining -19.1% and personal consumption expenditures declining -3.1% led by a whopping -14.1% drop-off in durable goods.
The following chart shows real residential and non-residential fixed investment versus overall GDP since Q1 2003 (click for larger version).

Mid-Cycle Meltdown?: Jobless Claims October 30 2008

It’s very important to understand that today’s report continues to reflect employment weakness that is strongly consistent with past recessionary episodes and that this signal is now so strong and sustained that a contraction in the economy is fundamentally certain.
Historically, unemployment claims both “initial” and “continued” (ongoing claims) are a good leading indicator of the unemployment rate and inevitably the overall state of the economy.
I have added a chart to the lineup which shows “population adjusted” continued claims (ratio of unemployment claims to the non-institutional population) and the unemployment rate since 1967.
Adjusting for the general increase in population tames the continued claims spike down a bit but as you can see, the pattern is still indicating that recession has arrived.

NOTE: The charts below plot a “monthly” average NOT a 4 week moving average so the latest monthly results should be considered preliminary until the complete monthly results are settled by the fourth week of each following month.
As you can see, acceleration to claims generally precedes recessions.

This flattening period demarks the “mid-cycle slowdown” where for various reasons growth has generally slowed but then resumed with even stronger growth.
So, looking at the post-“dot com” recession period we can see the telltale signs of a potential “mid-cycle” slowdown and if we were to simply reflect on the history of employment as an indicator of the health and potential outlook for the wider economy, it would not be irrational to conclude that times may be brighter in the very near future.
But, adding a little more data I think shows that we may in fact be experiencing a period of economic growth unlike the past several post-recession periods.
Look at the following chart (click for larger version) showing “initial” and “continued” unemployment claims, the ratio of non-farm payrolls to non-institutional population and single family building permits since 1967.

Another feature is that housing was apparently buffeted by the response to the last recession, preventing it from fully correcting thus postponing the full and far more severe downturn to today.
I think there is enough evidence to suggest that our potential “mid-cycle” slowdown, having been traded for a less severe downturn in the aftermath of the “dot-com” recession, may now be turning into a mid-cycle meltdown.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Question(s) of The Day - Election Impact Crisis?
Commercial Calamity? S&P/GRA Commercial Real Estate Index July 2008

The July results reveal a marked slowing of price appreciation across all classes of commercial real estate with the aggregate index registering its first annual decline in at least the 15 years the data has been tracked.
It’s important to keep in mind that this decline is coming from data that was settled well in advance of the historic stock market and wider macroeconomic crisis which, in all likeliness, will result in significant additional downward pressure on commercial real estate prices.
Clearly, commercial real estate, having already matched and surpassed the level of decline seen after the dot-com bust, now sit poised on the verge of an unprecedented slump.
The charts below show the National index and the component indices since 1994 (click for larger).

Beantown Bust: Boston CSI and RPX August 2008

For August, both the CSI and RPX showed continued weakness with the CSI declining 4.74% on a year-over-year basis while the RPX dropped 8.56% over the same period.
It’s important to note that both measures are derived from sales data transacted in August which generally includes properties that under agreement in June and July, well in advance of the historic stock market and wider macroeconomic declines.
In all likelihood the dramatic declines to consumer confidence and increases in unemployment will work to place significant downward pressure on home prices.
As you can see from the chart below (click for larger), although the RPX captures a greater degree of seasonality, both series are very strongly correlated.
Also, note that the although the RPX initially gave a strong indication that this year’s seasonal uptick in prices had abated with the July release, the August release brought a boost in prices and continued the pattern that is more or less typical when compared to the last three years.

Notice that during the 80s-90s bust prices took roughly 46 months (3.8 years) to bottom out.
The “annual” chart compares the percentage change, on a year-over-year basis, to the Boston CSI from the last positive value through the decline to the first positive value at the end of the decline.
In this way, this chart captures only the months that showed monthly “annual declines”.
The “peak” chart compares the percentage change, comparing monthly Boston index values to the peak value seen just prior to the first declining month all the way through the downturn and the full recovery of home prices.
In this way, this chart captures ALL months of the downturn from the peak to trough to peak again.
As you can see the last downturn lasted 105 months (almost 9 years) peak to peak including 34 months of annual price declines during the heart of the downturn.
The final chart shows that the Boston housing market has been, in a sense, declining steadily since early 2001 when annual home price appreciation peaked and the intensity of the housing expansion began to wane (click on following chart for larger version).

Reading Rates: MBA Application Survey – October 29 2008

The purchase application index has been highlighted as a particularly important data series as it very broadly captures the demand side of residential real estate for both new and existing home purchases.
The latest data is showing that the average rate for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage declined 2 basis points since last week to 6.26% while the purchase application volume increased 8.5% and the refinance application volume jumped 28.5% compared to last week’s results.
It’s important to note that, in the wake of the conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the average interest rate on an 80% LTV 30 year fixed rate loan initially dropped significantly but more recently has remained within the range seen throughout 2007.
The following chart shows how the principle and interest cost and estimated annual income required to cover the PITI (using the 29% “rule of thumb”) on a $400,000 loan has changed since November 2006.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
S&P/Case-Shiller: August 2008

Further, there continues to be a notable re-acceleration of the price slide with the 10-city index dropping 1.10% and the 20-city index dropping 1.03% just since last month.
Also, it’s important to keep in mind that today’s release was compiled using home sales data primarily from July and August, well in advance of the historic levels of financial collapse seen in September and October.
In all likelihood, today’s report sits on the threshold of a new and even more momentous wave of home price declines as the continued economic crisis and dramatically accelerating unemployment work to both crush consumer sentiment and force panicked mortgage lenders to continue to tighten their lending standards.
As the housing decline goes “Up-Prime” a larger and much more damaging population of homeowners will face historic levels of financial stress the outcome of which is, at the moment, very hard to calculate.
The 10-city composite index declined a record 17.72% as compared to August 2007 far surpassing the all prior year-over-year decline records firmly placing the current decline in uncharted territory in terms of relative intensity.
Topping the list of regional peak decliners were Phoenix at -36.32%, Las Vegas at -35.89%, Miami at -34.67%, San Diego at -32.80%, Los Angeles at -30.94%, San Francisco at -30.66%, Detroit at -27.24%, Tampa at -26.79%, Washington DC at -22.39%, Minneapolis at -17.05%, Chicago at -11.31%, Boston at -10.80% and New York at -10.65%.
Additionally, both of the broad composite indices showed significant declines slumping -21.96% for the 10-city national index and 20.31% for the 20-city national index on a peak comparison basis.
To better visualize the results use the PaperEconomy S&P/Case-Shiller/Futures Charting Tool as well as the PaperEconomy Home Value Calculator and be sure to read the Tutorial in order to best understand how best to utilize the tool.
The following chart (click for larger version) shows the percent change to single family home prices given by the Case-Shiller Indices as compared to each metros respective price peak set between 2005 and 2007.

To create the following annual charts I simply aligned the CSI data from the last month of positive year-over-year gains for both the current decline and the 90s housing bust and plotted the data with side-by-side columns (click for larger version).

Looking at the actual index values normalized and compared from the respective peaks, you can see that we are still likely less than half of the way through the portion of the decline in which will be seen fairly significant annual declines (click the following chart for larger version).

As you can see the last downturn lasted 97 months (over 8 years) peak to peak including roughly 43 months of annual price declines during the heart of the downturn.
Notice that peak declines have been FAR more significant to date and, keeping in mind that our current run-up was many times more magnificent than the 80s-90s run-up, it is not inconceivable that current decline will run deeper and last longer.
Question(s) of The Day - Unexpected or Imbeciles?

Now read some of yesterday's widely hyped headlines suggesting that there was an "unexpected" rise in new home sales:
- US New-Home Sales Take Surprise Climb; Prices Fall – CNBC
- Stocks improve after home sales show surprise gain – The Associated Press
- Unexpected rise in new US home sales – The Financial Times
- New home sales show surprising turnaround – Houston Chronicle
- Unexpected rise in sales of new homes in US – Independent
- New home sales increase in U.S., surprising economists – The Salt Lake Tribune
- New home sales post unexpected increase in September - Newsday
Does the real estate industry pay for these headlines or are media outlets simply total imbeciles?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Crashachusetts Existing Home Sales and Prices: September 2008

As was noted last month, with September comes continued seasonal deceleration in single family home sales that will generally continue slumping through the Fall before reaching a low in seasonal sales next February.
With this drop-off will come additional pricing pressure as sellers compete for the scanty remains of the 2008 selling season.
Additionally, although September showed a much heralded 5.0% year-over-year increase of single family home sales, it’s important to remember that last September was the first month to feel slackening sales as a result of the abrupt collapse of the private Jumbo loan market.
With the report the Massachusetts Realtor leader Susan Renfrew continues her spin even in the face of a truly historic economic collapse.
“Despite all the financial turmoil of the past weeks and months, it continues to be a very good time to buy for qualified first-time homebuyers. In addition to the reduced prices and still-favorable interest rates, programs such as first-time homebuyer tax credit, increased FHA loan limits and affordable loan products from MassHousing are easily accessible,”
This month very clearly exposed an interesting trick that both the Massachusetts Realtors and National Realtors use when reporting the numbers… The month-to-month sales in MA showed a significant 18.8% decline while the year-over-year showed a 5.0% increase…. Which number do you think the Realtors touted to the media?
Of course, when the numbers are reversed (higher monthly change and lower annual) they will use the month-to-month numbers.
MAR reports that in September, single family home sales increased 5.0% as compared to September 2007 with a 12.0% decline in inventory translating to 10.0 months of supply and a median selling price decline of 13.2% while condo sales dropped 6.2% with a 17.2% decline in inventory translating to 10.6 months of supply and a median selling price decrease of 7.3%.

As in months past, be on the lookout for the inflation adjusted charts produced by BostonBubble.com for an even more accurate "real" view of the current home price movement.
September’s key MAR statistics:
- Single family sales increased 5.0% as compared to September 2007
- Single family median selling price decreased 13.2% as compared to September 2007
- Condo sales declined 6.2% as compared to September 2007
- Condo median price declined 7.3% as compared to September 2007
- The number of months supply of single family homes stands at 10.0 months.
- The number of months supply of condos stands at 10.6 months.
- The average “days on market” for single family homes stands at 134 days.
- The average “days on market” for condos stands at 143 days.
New Home Sales: September 2008

It’s important to keep in mind that this stunning year-over-year decline is coming on the back of the significant declines seen in 2006 and 2007 further indicating the enormity of the housing bust and clearly dispelling any notion of a bottom being reached.
Additionally, although inventories of unsold homes have been dropping for well over a year, the sales volume has been declining so significantly that the sales pace now stands at an astonishing 10.4 months of supply.
The following charts show the extent of sales declines seen since 2005 as well as illustrating how the further declines in 2008 are coming on top of the 2006 and 2007 results (click for larger versions)

- The median sales price for a new home declined 9.11% as compared to September 2007.
- New home sales were down 33.1% as compared to September 2007.
- The inventory of new homes for sale declined 25.4% as compared to September 2007.
- The number of months’ supply of the new homes has increased 10.6% as compared to September 2007 and now stands at 10.4 months.
- In the Northeast, new home sales were down 65.1% as compared to September 2007.
- In the Midwest, new home sales were down 37.5% as compared to September 2007.
- In the South, new home sales were down 23.8% as compared to September 2007.
- In the West, new home sales were down 37.9% as compared to September 2007.
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