Today, the
Institute for Supply Management released their latest
Non-Manufacturing Report on Business indicating that service related business activity continued to expand in May with the overall non-manufacturing index climbing to 53.7 from last months reading of 53.1.
At 56.5 the business activity index improved since last month climbing 2.73% above the level seen a year earlier.
This month, service industry respondents are sounding mixed to flat with some respondents citing improving activity but also uncertainty and lingering weakness:
"Sales remain slightly higher than the same period last year, but still below pre-recession sales figures." (Public Administration)
"The job order market slowed in April/May. We saw a slight increase in employment due to working down the order/inquiry backlog." (Professional, Scientific & Technical Services)
"Business seems to be improving through the second half of the year." (Information)
"Fairly stable the last month; overall optimistic going forward." (Accommodation & Food Services)
"The flat sequential sales — which began in January 2012 — are still continuing. At this point, we do not predict any lift in the foreseeable future. We do not see any negatives; it appears that business has reached its 'cruising altitude' and is staying there." (Wholesale Trade)
"Healthcare reform and sequestration are having a strong negative impact on business." (Health Care & Social Assistance)
"North America continues to improve at a modest rate. Europe is still a problem for global recovery." (Mining)