By contrast, recognize that because the S&P/Case-Shiller (CSI) data is a two month lagged and a three month moving average, the index data will reflect price movement resulting from the government's housing tax scam (as BostonBubble pointed out) until at least the February 2011 release.
The Radar logic data, on the other hand, while lagged by 60 days is reported daily and, more importantly, is NOT SMOOTHED or adjusted so you can expect to see the underlying trends more precisely and substantially sooner than with the CSI.
As for the latest trends, it’s important to note that the 25-MSA Composite is continuing to show significant year-over-year declines and a slumping direction that appears bound to wipe-out the low value reached in March of 2009 prior to the government's massive housing boondoggle.
The latest data shows that as of the middle of early October, prices are 1.91% below the level seen in October 2009.