Mashing-up the Teranet/NBC Composite-6 index to the S&P/CSI Composite-10 both rebased to the year 1999 provides a pretty decent “apples-apples” comparison as both the Teranet/NBC Composite-6 and S&P/CSI Composite-10 share the purpose of narrowly including just the top largest metros for their respective country.
Looking at the chart (click for full-screen dynamic version) you can see that while the Teranet/NBC index is currently showing a pretty exceptional rebound with annual percentage increases of nearly 7.86%, it still has a ways to go in order to match the pre-bust US levels.
Further, both series are showing a notable slowdown to price appreciation on a year-over-year basis.
Browse the full catalog of Canadian home price indices provided by Teranet/National Bank of Canada.